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List Bone Diseases Neck Pain Arthritis Shoulder Back Pain Tendinitis Bursitis Spine Hip Fractures Osteoporosis Carpal Tunnel Repetitive Stress Joint Replacement Strains Knee Arthroscopy Bone Fractures Feet Ankles Legs Sprains Click for Specific LinksOrthopedics - also spelled orthopaedics - involves the treatment and prevention of injuries to the musculoskeletal system, which includes:

An orthopaedic surgeon is a doctor who specializes in the diagnosis, treatment, prevention and rehabilitation (Read about "Rehabilitation") of the musculoskeletal system.

According to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, over 28 million Americans develop some kind of musculoskeletal problem every year, and three million people require hospitalization for their problems every year. These problems can range from back, shoulder and knee pain (Read about "The Spine" "The Shoulder" "The Knee") to sprains, strains and overuse injuries. (Read about "Sprains" "Strains" "Repetitive Stress")

Treatment options often start with more conservative therapies such as medications, exercise and other rehabilitative or alternative therapies. If necessary, the doctor may also recommend surgical diagnostic and treatment options, such as arthroscopy. (Read about "Arthroscopy") In some cases, a partial or entire joint may need to be replaced. (Read about "Joint Replacement" "Joint Resurfacing")

Below are links to some common orthopedic problems and articles on injury prevention. Following these links can lead you to more information on your particular problem.

You can also move your mouse over the picture of the skeleton on this page for links to orthopedic-related topics.

ACL injury: see The Knee

Ankles: see Feet, Ankles & Legs

Ankylosing spondylitis: see Ankylosing Spondylitis

Anterior cruciate ligament injury: see The Knee

Arthritis: see Arthritis & Rheumatic Diseases

Arthroscopy, knee: see The Knee

Arthroscopy: see Arthroscopy

Avascular necrosis: see Osteonecrosis

Back pain, avoiding: see Avoid Back Pain

Back pain, school & work-related: see Back Tips

Back pain: see Back Pain, The Spine

Bones: see Skeletal System

Bone cancer: see Bone Cancer

Bone cyst, unicameral: see Bone Tumors - Benign

Bone fracture: see Bone Fracture

Bone loss, age-related: see Age & Bone Loss

Bunions: see Feet, Ankles & Legs

Bursitis: see Tendinitis and Bursitis

Calcium and osteoporosis: see Calcium and Osteoporosis

Cancer, bone: see Bone Cancer

Carpal tunnel syndrome: see Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Cast: see Bone Fracture

Cervical spondylotic myelopathy: see The Spine

Chondromalacia: see The Knee

Clubfoot: see Clubfoot

Curvature of the spine: see Curvature of the Spine

Cysts, spinal: see The Spine

Degenerative disk disease: see Disk Problems

DEXA scan: see DEXA Scan - Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry/Densitometry

Discectomy: see The Spine

Elbow, tennis: see Tendinitis and Bursitis

Falls: see Accidental Falls

Feet: see Feet, Ankles & Legs

Fibrous dysplasia: see Bone Tumors - Benign

Fractures: see Bone Fractures

Frozen shoulder: see The Shoulder

Giant cell tumor: see Bone Tumors - Benign

Hammertoe: see Feet, Ankles & Legs

Herniated disk: see Disk Problems

Hip: see The Hip

Hip fracture: see Hip Fractures

Hip replacement: see Joint Replacement

Joint replacement: see Joint Replacement

Joint resurfacing: see Joint Resurfacing

Knee replacement: see Joint Replacement

Knee: see The Knee

Kyphoplasty: see The Spine

Kyphosis: see Curvature of the Spine

Laminectomy: see The Spine

Laminoplasty: see The Spine

Laminotomy: see The Spine

Lateral collateral ligament injury: see The Knee

LCL injury: see The Knee

Legs: see Feet, Ankles & Legs

MCL injury: see The Knee

Medial collateral ligament injury: see The Knee

Neck pain: see Neck Pain at Work

Osgood-Schlatter disease: see The Knee

Osteoarthritis: see Osteoarthritis

Osteochondritis dissecans, knee: see The Knee

Osteochondroma: see Bone Tumors - Benign

Osteoid osteomas: see Bone Tumors - Benign

Osteomalacia: see Osteomalacia & Rickets

Osteonecrosis: see Osteonecrosis

Osteopenia: see Osteoporosis

Osteopetrosis: see Osteopetrosis

Osteoporosis: see Osteoporosis

Paget's disease of bone: see Paget's Disease of Bone

PCL injury: see The Knee

Plantar fasciitis: see Plantar Fasciitis

Posterior cruciate ligament injury: see The Knee

Rehabilitation: see Rehabilitation

Rehab, hip: see The Hip

Rehab, knee: see The Knee

Rehab, shoulder: see The Shoulder

Reiter's syndrome: see Reactive Arthritis

Repetitive stress: see Repetitive Stress

Replacement, joint: see Joint Replacement

Resurfacing, joint: see Joint Resurfacing

RICE: see The Knee

Rickets: see Osteomalacia & Rickets

Rotator cuff: see The Shoulder

Runner's knee: see The Knee

Ruptured disk: see Disk Problems

Scheuermann's disease: see Curvature of the Spine

Sciatica: see The Spine

Scoliosis: see Curvature of the Spine

Shin splints: see Feet, Ankles & Legs

Shoulder: see The Shoulder

Skeletal system: see Skeletal System

Slipped disk: see Disk Problems

Spinal fusion: see The Spine

Spondylolysis, spondylolisthesis: see The Spine

Sports injury: see Avoid Sports Injury

Sprain: see Sprains

Stenosis, spinal: see The Spine

Strains: see Strains

Stress fractures: see Bone Fractures

Synovitis: see Synovitis

Tendinitis: see Tendinitis and Bursitis

Tennis elbow: see Tendinitis and Bursitis

Tumors, bone: see Bone Tumors - Benign

Tumors, spinal: see The Spine

Unicameral bone cyst: see Bone Tumors - Benign

Vertebroplasty: see The Spine

Wrist, carpal tunnel: see Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Writers cramp: see Dystonia

All Concept Communications material is provided for information only and is neither advice nor a substitute for proper medical care. Consult a qualified healthcare professional who understands your particular history for individual concerns.

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