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EarEaraches are very common in children, as well as adults. Pain in the ear can be caused by a number of different conditions.

Many earaches are caused by infection. (Read about "Microorganisms") Infections can develop in different parts of the ear. (Read about "The Ear and Hearing") Depending on which part of the ear is infected, infections are called:

In addition to infections, some of the other common causes of earaches include:

An earache can also be accompanied by ringing in the ear (Read about "Tinnitus") and/or hearing loss (Read about "Hearing Loss")

Adults experiencing an earache should see their healthcare provider for an accurate diagnosis. In young children, pulling or tugging at the ear can indicate an earache. If you suspect that your child has an earache or ear infection, contact your doctor. If a bacterial infection is present, antibiotics may be needed. (Read about "Antibiotics") Pain relievers can also help to provide some relief.

Some types of earaches can be prevented. You can reduce your risk of outer ear infections by not putting objects in the ear, and by drying your ears with a towel after bathing or swimming. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warn against using cotton swabs in your ears. You can reduce your risk of middle ear infections by practicing good hygiene to avoid respiratory infections, and avoiding cigarettes and cigarette smoke. (Read about "Respiratory System" "Quit Smoking")

All Concept Communications material is provided for information only and is neither advice nor a substitute for proper medical care. Consult a qualified healthcare professional who understands your particular history for individual concerns.

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