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SkinFolliculitis is an inflammation of the hair follicles. Hair follicles start in the dermis of the skin. (Read about "Skin") When someone has folliculitis, it looks like a tiny white pimple at the base of a hair. There may be just the one infected follicle or there may be many. The folliculitis can appear like a rash, and it can be itchy. (Read about "Skin Rash")

In many cases of folliculitis, the hair follicles get damaged by friction or trauma, and then bacteria sets in, leading to infection. In some cases, the infection is caused by a fungus or virus. (Read about "Microorganisms")

Some of the different kinds of conditions that involve inflammation of the follicles include:

For some cases of folliculitis, warm compresses can promote drainage of the infected bumps. Oral antibiotics may be prescribed if a doctor determines that the folliculitis is infected with bacteria. (Read about "Antibiotics") Antifungal cream or ointment may be prescribed if the infection is fungal.

It's also important to avoid the activities or conditions that led to the problem. This might mean, for example, staying out of the hot tub. If shaving is the cause of the problem, you can try letting the beard grow. If that is not an option, different methods of hair removal may be able to help. AAD suggests softening the beard thoroughly before shaving, using a safety razor and shaving in the direction of hair growth. Lasers and electrolysis, both of which remove hair permanently, are also an option.

All Concept Communications material is provided for information only and is neither advice nor a substitute for proper medical care. Consult a qualified healthcare professional who understands your particular history for individual concerns.

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