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Health NewsListeria is a bacteria found in soil and water. (Read about "Microorganisms") It has been found in a variety of raw foods, such as uncooked meats and vegetables, as well as in processed foods that haven't been processed properly. In some people, eating or drinking a product contaminated with listeria results in a dangerous condition called listeriosis. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), an estimated 2,500 Americans become seriously ill with listeriosis each year. Of these, around 500 die.

A person with listeriosis usually has fever, muscle aches and sometimes gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea or diarrhea. (Read about "Diarrhea") If infection spreads to the nervous system (Read about "Nervous System"), symptoms such as headache, stiff neck, confusion, loss of balance or convulsions (Read about "Seizures") can occur.

The biggest risk is to pregnant women and their babies. According to CDC, pregnant women are about 20 times more likely than other healthy adults to get listeriosis. Infected pregnant women may experience only a mild, flu-like illness; however, infection during pregnancy can lead to premature delivery (Read about "Preterm Labor"), infection of the newborn or even stillbirth. If a pregnant woman has symptoms such as fever or stiff neck, she should see her doctor at once. (Read about "Healthy Pregnancy")

In addition to pregnant women, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) says people whose immune systems (Read about "The Immune System") are weakened by AIDS, cancer or kidney disease are more at risk, as are the elderly. (Read about "HIV / AIDS" "Cancer: What It Is" "Kidney Disease")

Where it comes from

Vegetables can become contaminated with listeria from the soil or from manure used as fertilizer. Foods of animal origin such as meats and dairy products can also get contaminated. CDC says it's important to be aware of the risk of listeria from:

Reducing the risk

To reduce the risk for listeriosis, CDC has these recommendations:

Because pregnant women, older adults and people with weakened immune systems are at higher risk for listeriosis, CDC recommends the following measures for those persons:

When infection occurs during pregnancy, CDC says that antibiotics given promptly to the pregnant woman can often prevent infection of the fetus or newborn. If you suspect a problem, contact your doctor at once.

Related Information:

    Food Safety

    Digestive System


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