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Ocular Herpes

EyeHerpes of the eye, or ocular herpes, is a viral infection that is caused by the herpes simplex type 1 virus and is the most common infectious cause of corneal blindness in the U.S. The herpes simplex 1 virus is the same one generally associated with cold sores. (Read about "Herpes")

Previous studies show that once people develop ocular herpes, they have up to a 50 percent chance of having a recurrence. This second flare-up could come weeks or even years after the initial occurrence.

Eyesight depends on a complex series of interactions between the different parts of the eye. (Read about "The Eye") The National Eye Institute (NEI) says ocular herpes can produce a painful sore on the eyelid or surface of the eye and cause inflammation of the cornea. Prompt treatment with anti-viral drugs helps to stop the herpes virus from multiplying and destroying epithelial cells. However, the infection may spread deeper into the cornea and develop into a more severe infection called stromal keratitis, which causes the body's immune system (Read about "The Immune System") to attack and destroy stromal cells. Stromal keratitis is more difficult to treat than less severe ocular herpes infections. Recurrent episodes of stromal keratitis can cause scarring of the cornea, which can lead to loss of vision and possibly blindness.

An estimated 400,000 Americans have had some form of ocular herpes, according to NEI. Each year, nearly 50,000 new and recurring cases are diagnosed in the United States, with the more serious stromal keratitis accounting for about 25 percent. In one large study, researchers found that the recurrence rate of ocular herpes was 10 percent within one year, 23 percent within two years and 63 percent within 20 years. Some factors believed to be associated with recurrence include:

Like other herpetic infections, herpes of the eye can be controlled. Treatment depends on the location and the severity of involvement. Antiviral eye drops may be used. Steroids might also be needed to help decrease inflammation and corneal scarring.

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