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LungsPleurisy is an inflammation of the pleura, the lining of the lungs and chest cavity. (Read about "Respiratory System") The normally smooth pleural surfaces slide against each other, lubricated by fluid. When they become roughened by inflammation, they rub and grate against each other. This causes pain, made worse by deep breathing and coughing.

Sometimes the inflammation can prompt a build-up of fluid between the two membranes known as pleural effusion. While this can ease pain by cushioning the membranes, the American Lung Association (ALA) says the condition can actually be getting worse. If enough fluid accumulates, it may compress the lungs and interfere with breathing. This can cause shortness of breath, coughing and cyanosis (bluish skin tone due to lack of oxygen in the blood).

The symptoms of pleurisy may include:

ALA lists a range of causes for pleurisy including:

Diagnosing pleurisy involves a number of tests including:

According to ALA, treating pleurisy involves treating any underlying bacterial infection with antibiotics. (Read about "Antibiotics") Antibiotics will not work if the cause is viral. Anti-inflammatory drugs or pain medication can be used. Fluid may be drained and medication given to prevent more buildup. ALA advises the quick treatment of respiratory infections is the key to preventing pleurisy. Immunization against viral or bacteria infection may also help. (Read about "Immunizations")

Related Information:

    Glossary of Respiratory Terms

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