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Car Safety Quiz

Here's more information on our quiz questions & answers:
  1. The American Medical Association says 3 out of 10 teens who die, are killed in motor vehicle crashes, with half of these crashes involving the use of drugs or alcohol. Young people are also at great risk for head injuries.
  2. The American Academy of Pediatrics says car safety seats should be used as long as possible, until the child outgrows the seat. The seats should always be positioned facing the rear of the car, since this can help avoid neck or spine injury in the event of a sudden stop and/or impact.
  3. In general, NHTSA says booster seats are appropriate for children weighing between 40 and 80 lbs, between 4 to 8 years of age, and at least 35 inches tall.

Need even more information? Read about "Car Safety" "Teenage Health Risks"

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