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Urgent Care

Health InformationAn urgent care center is the place to go for a medical problem that is serious, but not life-threatening. A life-threatening emergency, such as a heart attack, should be treated at the emergency department (ED) or emergency room (ER). (Read about "Emergency Room")

On the other hand, when you have an illness or an injury that isn't life-threatening - but you really want to see a healthcare specialist now - that's the kind of situation that an urgent care center or walk-in clinic is designed for.

Urgent care is not a substitute for primary care. However, an urgent care center can give you access to healthcare when your primary care doctor isn't available. Urgent care centers can be staffed by physicians, physician assistants, nurses, nurse practitioners, and/or other medical personnel.

Medical problems that may be appropriate for an urgent care center include:

An urgent care center or walk-in clinic may also be able to help with the following:

Medical problems that should be handled in the emergency room include, but are not limited to:

These lists are not fool-proof, but this should give you a better idea of how and where different emergencies can be treated.

All Concept Communications material is provided for information only and is neither advice nor a substitute for proper medical care. Consult a qualified healthcare professional who understands your particular history for individual concerns.

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